You have 14 days from receipt of your package to return all or part of your order.

    Click HERE to make a return by post.


    • Parts with detached labels cannot be returned.
    • The item(s) must not have been worn or damaged.
    • In order to identify your return, it is necessary to slip your order delivery note into the return package.
    • Without compliance with these conditions we will not be able to refund/credit your item.


    RETURN FOR EXCHANGE: Return costs are free for exchanges only . We have set up credit exchanges, which allow a free return (for European Union countries) and the receipt of a credit as soon as your return package is shipped.

    Your credit is transmitted in the form of a promotional code, for the amount excluding reduction of your order.  


    RETURN FOR REFUND: Refund within 7-10 days upon receipt at the warehouse.

    This return method is the responsibility of the customer .

    The prices are as follows:
    - €6 for a return from France.
    - €9 for a return from an EU country.

    For what ? At Chaination we reduce our margins to offer you high quality products at affordable prices. We therefore do not include return costs in the price of the product, it is more transparent for you!


    Notice: For example, if a piece of jewelry was purchased for €80 instead of €100 thanks to a -20%” offer.

    - In the case of return against reimbursement : the reimbursement will be 80€ less the return costs payable by you (6€ in mainland France) = 74€.

    - In the case of an Exchange: the credit in the form of a promotional code will be €100 and a return slip will be sent to you free of charge. (The credit is valid for no limited period)

      Click HERE to make a return by post.